28 Apr

An entire day can be devoted to La Alhambra, but Granada offers additional stunning sights worth visiting. The Granada Cathedral, peeking out from behind the pink building above, is one example. Its interior design of massive, white pillars creates a worshipful atmosphere. Built in the mid-1500s, it features Renaissance and Baroque styles. Several chapels are decorated with paintings and carvings, some of which are gilded. Awe-inspiring!

The Basilica of St. John of God was named after a Portuguese soldier who eventually settled in Granada, taking care of the sick and mentally infirm as his life work. The hospital and clinics next door to the Basilica were established by him. Built in his honor in the 1700s in the Baroque style, every square inch (or centimeter) of the Basilica's interior is decorated with carvings, paintings, or gold. The photo below gives a taste of this feast for the eyes! 

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