30 Mar

The day we visited Cordoba, we first caught the bus at our camping park 25 minutes away. Once we arrived, we walked into this ancient city, which is still partially walled. Above is pictured one view of the city from the tower of the Mosque-Cathedral. The Guadalquivir River, which we crossed on a pedestrian bridge, winds it way through the city.

Minaret-turned-bell-tower pictured from a plaza below. The Mosque-Cathedral is unique in that after the Christian conquest in the 1200s, the beautiful Moorish architecture, with its distinctive striped arches, was not destroyed. Rather, a cathedral was built inside the mosque. The photo below gives a sampling of the Muslim arches with a few Catholic chapels seen in the background. It is such a huge structure with artwork everywhere the eye glances, that photos cannot do it justice. This is a place that one needs to see to fully appreciate. Really amazing!

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